CFMEU Construction Approved
Contents Include:
Qty Code Description Use
1 3225 Emergency First Aid Booklet Step by step first aid guide
2 2080 Dressing wound no. 13 sterile Wound dressing with bandage
2 2090 Dressing wound no. 14 sterile Wound dressing with bandage
2 2091 Dressing wound no. 15 sterile Wound dressing with bandage
1 2350A Dressing Pack Sterile Wound Dressing
4 2040 Swabs gauze 10 x 10cm pk 5 Clean wounds
12 214075 Dressing non-adherent 7.5 x 10cm Wound cover
6 215075 Dressing non-adherent 7.5 x 20cm Wound cover
10 217000 Eye pad sterile Emergency eye cover
1 400105 Eye Wash Bottle Complete 100Ml Flush Eyes
6 5120 Saline steritube 30ml Clean wounds/ flush eyes
1 5151 Antiseptic spray Rapaid 50ml Antiseptic liquid
6 102050 Bandage crepe 5cm x 1.5m Support bandage
6 102075 Bandage crepe 7.5cm x 1.5m Support bandage
4 1181A Bandage triangular 110 x 110cm Slings/ padding/wound cover/ bandage
2 223100 Strips fabric bx 50 Minor wound cover
2 1128 Tape micropore 2.5cm x 9.1m Secure dressings/ bandages
1 3010S/B Scissors sharp/blunt s/steel 12.5cm Cut dressings / bandages
1 3070 Forceps fine point s/steel 12.5cm Remove splinters/ infection control
1 4030 Gallipot autoclavable 150ml Container/ drinking vessel
3 400503 Tray dressing disposable Hold dressings / instruments
1 313012 Safety pins pk 12 Secure bandages
1 309105 Splinter probe disposable pk 5 Remove deep splinters
5 305402L Gloves nitrile large pk 2 Hygiene
3 409000 Bag plastic resealable large Severed parts / waste disposal
2 121000 Cold pack instant Reduce swelling / pain
1 343002 Sharps / waste disposable unit 250ml Dispose sharps/ biohazard waste
12 405701 Bag biohazard specimen Severed parts/ waste disposal
1 352502 CPR Pocket Mask Reusable CPR barrier/ infection control
1 201000 Dressing universal large 20 x 91cm Wound dressing/ bleeding control
1 210200 Burns sheet 70 x 220cm Burns cover
2 1051 Bandage crepe heavy 7.5cm x 1.5m Support/ compression bandage
2 1035A Bandage conforming 10cm x 1.5m Secure dressing
2 1045A Bandage conforming 15cm x 1.5m Secure dressing
1 379001 CPR card plastic DRSABCD instructions
1 314000 Notebook and pencil Record information/ notes
2 308000 Blanket thermal/ emergency shock Retain body warmth
1 514010 Burn Gel 3.5g sachets Pk10 Burn Treatment
1 1270/REG Cold / Hot Pack Tissue Treatment
6 223502 Island Dressing 7.5x5cm Wound Dressing
6 223503 Island Dressing 9x10cm Wound Dressing
2 ABS1010 Polyethylene Burn Sheet 10x10cm Burns Dressing
2 ABS2020 Polyethylene Burn Sheet 20x20cm Burns Dressing
2 ABS6090 Polyethylene Burn Sheet 60x90cm Burns Dressing