The Order of St John
The Order of St John was founded in around 1070 to serve the needs of poor pilgrims in Jerusalem. They were known as the Hospitallers, and their work was centred around the care of the sick and the poor of all faiths – treating Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike in the broadest sense of inclusivity. In the centuries that followed military activity took place in parallel to nursing and the ethos relating to chivalry and knighthood developed. That ethos expected the qualities of courage, honour, justice, and courtesy from its knights, and also the values of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The modern iteration of St John that was born in the Victorian era was not concerned with warfare but with charitable service and transferred the virtuous knight from the battlefield to the hospital and those in need. Today horses have been replaced with ambulances, swords by surgical needles, and armour by first aid kits. Through the delivery of first aid and other healthcare activities worldwide, and the charitable output of the St John Eye Hospital Group, St John people are following the values of the earliest Hospitallers.
St John people serving the purpose of St John are eligible to become members of the present-day Order of Chivalry. These St John people continue to show respect and kindness to others, unselfishness, excellence in delivering modern care, and openness to learn, as well as; devotion to helping others, togetherness with common values, diversity and inclusiveness supporting our common purpose, and to the faithful vision of our founders.

St John Ambulance Historical Society of Queensland
Welcome to the St John Ambulance Historical Society of Queensland!
Our mission is to ignite a passion for the rich history of St John Ambulance Queensland and the Order of St John.
The Historical Society is open to all members and friends of St John Ambulance who are interested in learning more about the long history of the Order of St John.
The Historical Society is a federal body with State and Territory branches. We are dedicated to fostering discussions, conducting studies, research, and capturing the extraordinary stories of our volunteers and staff.
Join our esteemed society and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to cherishing and preserving the legacy of St John Ambulance Queensland and the Order of St John.
Through our collective efforts, we unravel the past, uncover hidden stories, and shed light on our extraordinary volunteers and staff. Help us preserve and celebrate the dedication, bravery, and compassion that has shaped our organisation into what it is today.

Our Values
- We act with integrity
- We demonstrate compassion and rest for the vast St John Ambulance QLD experienced membership (volunteer and paid) and organisation
- We care for and connect people and communities through history
- We are dedicated to and encourage lifelong learning