“Pretend you are stuck after a cyclone has hit your small regional town, there is no wi-fi or hospital, for more than 200 kilometres, and supplies are low, what would you do?”
This is a scenario the students in our Remote Area First Aid Course are often faced with.
For the past three decades St John Ambulance QLD has seen the need to offer a specialised Remote Area First Aid course, which is catered to industries who do remote work.
From Government entities, to mining workers the course has a huge preparation and planning element to it, not taught in other First Aid courses.
Experienced trainer John, who has taught the course for decades, has even taken his skill set overseas and taught in places like Mongolia, where those faced with danger and emergencies could take days.
“We teach a range of skills from how to contact emergency services when your phone goes out to radio skills needed to fly in helicopters to the scene”.
There is a component in the course that talks about natural disasters – the first thing to go down is mobile phones.”
“With the rapid advancement of technology, we have also had to adapt to the way we teach these essential survival skills”.
“Our last day of the course is out in the field; First Aid can be very different when you apply different elements to the situation at hand”.
In September 2023, Adam took part in the course, as his job involves being in an outdoor environment.
“I really enjoyed the evacuation aspect of the course, it’s not something you learn in mainstream First Aid courses.”
“You learn so much and gain the confidence to enact these skills through the conversational and idea sharing nature of the course”.
“Talking through situations rather than being told why and how, which is a better way to learn and retain information”.
“A lot of the course involved brainstorming scenarios – using real -life scenarios and hearing people’s ideas to solve First Aid situations helped us apply what we learnt in the classroom in the field.
The three-day course is designed to meet the needs of bushwalkers, caravanners and people who work or live in remote locations.
This course is focused on the safety of the first aider and extended care of an ill or injured casualty where help is likely to be delayed.
This is an accredited course. On successful completion of this course, you will be issued a statement of attainment in:
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID013 Provide First Aid in remote and isolated sites.
St John Ambulance (Queensland) delivers nationally recognised training and assessment on behalf of St John Ambulance Australia (RTO 88041).
Click here to learn more about our Remote Area First Aid (RAFA) course and view course availability at a St John Ambulance Queensland training facility near you.
Already certified? Ensure you are prepared to administer First Aid in the case of a remote area emergency with range of Snake Bite Kits, Portable First Aid Kits and Camping, Car and Caravan First Aid Products.